relief from symptoms

美 [rɪˈliːf frəm ˈsɪmptəmz]英 [rɪˈliːf frəm ˈsɪmptəmz]
  • 缓解症状
relief from symptomsrelief from symptoms
  1. Results The catheterization and drainage gave marked relief from symptoms .


  2. Testing for these protein concentrations may provide a means of early diagnosis , allowing patients to receive relief from symptoms years earlier .


  3. After three weeks , 60 percent of the placebo group reported relief from symptoms , compared to 35 percent who 'd received no treatment at all .


  4. Palliative care is a variation of end-of-life care that focuses on providing relief from symptoms and helping families cope through the illness and bereavement process .


  5. Patients suffering from seasonal allergies want rapid relief from their symptoms .


  6. But they said the transplants had survived for as long as16 years and the patients had reported relief from their symptoms .


  7. When used according to label indications , this product will provide hours of relief from the symptoms of pain , swelling and itching brought on by bites and stings .
